I happened to bump into an old friend recently we had not seen each other since graduating high school a couple years earlier. I asked how life was treating her and she proceeded to tell me of all the misfortunes that had befallen her; she had no source of employment, rent was high,the government were thieves, she didnt know how her son would attend school in the new year,there was no hope for mankind and on and on she went. Listening to this young woman, depressed me I could not wait to get away from her and the hopeless conversation, for my positivity and words of hope just fell upon deaf ears.
On January 1, 2017 everyone got a clean slate, a chance to begin anew, to make right all the things they got wrong in 2016. New years day is very much like getting the opportunity of a lifetime, you find you had a book before that you messed up terribly and you wonder how can you are going to fix things, how can you make it right, when along comes new years day and hands u a brand new book with all the pages empty. you get to put your own words in them, to rewrite your story, its a chance to fix it, a chance to make it a great book.
Make a realistic resolution and stick to it, if your goal is to loose weight, get a picture of your ideal weight, tack it unto your walls so each morning you awake you get motivated, write a diet plan, excercise regularly,bring your own healthy lunch to work and ask your friends to help you not to deviate. Most people abandon their resolutions before six months of the year is out, do not be one of them, if you stick to your guidelines you will be happier by the end of the year and will realise in the end that it was all worth it.
Do not bring the previous mess along with you into the New Year! Leave the dead weight behind. Carrying the mess over will be like walking around with a noose around your neck waiting to be hanged. With that said anything that happened in the past cannot be changed, undone or forgotten however learn a lesson from it and move on. Everything which happens in your life will end with morale, take the morale and run with it and try not to make the same mistakes twice. There can be no sustainable growth without honest reflection and introspection.
Do not be like my previous classmate and walk around with a bunch of negativity swirling around in your head. Some of you may have lost sources of employment; you may have lost friends or even a family member, that does not give you the right to walk around in a world of depression. Cancel every curse and negative word, chase the negative committee out of your head. Learn that life can be short sometimes you need to stop analyzing the past and stop planning the future, laugh when you can and let go off what you cant change. Have a positive outlook on life, declear to the universe that prosperity and happiness is your birthright. The way you start 2017 can affect your whole year; begin with a great attitude, calmness of mind and gratitude that you made it alive. Take this inspirational quote and make it one of your guidelines for this New Year “don’t start your
day with the broken pieces of yesterday, everyday is a fresh start, everyday is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up it’s the first day of our new life" Happy new year make the most of it.
Written and copyrighted by Aneisha A. Smith December 30, 2016.
First published in yaadi style magazine.
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